
Bruce C.T. Ho (何建達)

Doctor of Business Administration,University of South Australia, Australia


Institute of Technology Management


Center for Electronic Commerce & Knowledge Economics Research

National Chung Hsing University

Tel: 04-22840515#606

E-mail: bruceho@nchu.edu.tw

Fax: 04-22859343





University of South Australia, Australia

- Doctor of Business Administration (Major in Finance)
Saint Louis University, USA
- Master of Finance




Professional Activities

  1. 擔任The International Advisory Committee of The First International Workshop on IT-based Management for Smart Business will be held on December 16-19, 2015 at Jeju National University International Center, Jeju Island, Korea.
  2. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of International Journal of IT-based Management for Smart Business, Science & Engineering Research Support SoCiety Publisher, ISSN: 2383-708X
  3. 擔任International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (IJECRM)國際期刊總主編 (Inderscience Publishers) (IJECRM目前已被15個全球性引文索引資料庫收錄(2007創刊)(期刊創刊者)
  4. 擔任International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC) 國際期刊副主編 (Semi-Annually Publishers)
  5. 擔任SSCI期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of the Online Information Review, Emerald publishers, ISSN: 1468-4527. (SSCI)
  6. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IJEEEE), Published by: International Academy Publishing (IAP), ISSN: 2010-3654 (EI)
  7. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of the Open Management Journal, Bentham Publishers, ISSN: 1874-9488.
  8. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM), Inderscience Publishers, ISSN (Online): 1748-1260 - ISSN (Print): 1748-125.
  9. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Business Engineering and Management Systems , Serials Publications, Published By : International Sciences Press.
  10. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of the Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Technology and Business,Quarterly Publishers, ISSN (Online): 1923-9718 - ISSN (Print): 1923-9726.
  11. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Operations, Systems and Human Resource Management (IJOSHRM),International Science Press, ISSN:2229-7332.
  12. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of the Asian Journal of Managerial Science (AJMS),Journals Division Publishers, ISSN: 2249-6300.
  13. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of the The World Journal of Accounting, Finance and Engineering (WJAFE),Elsevier Publishers, ISSN: 0147-1767.
  14. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Logistics Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJLSCM),International Science Pres
  15. 擔任國際期刊編輯委員Members of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Business Engineering and Management Systems , Serials Publications, Published By : International Sciences Press.s Publishers, ISSN: 0974-7206.
  16. 擔任國際期刊主編顧問The Advisory Editor for Journal of Transportation and Logistics (JTL), Published by: official journal of Istanbul University, The School of Transportation and Logistics.
  17. 擔任國際期刊特刊主編(2011)Guest Editor of the Learning Organization: An International Journal, Emerald publishers, ISSN: 0969-6474, Vol. 18, Issue 2, 94-160.  (2011特刊出版)
  18. 擔任SCI期刊特刊主編(2010): Guest Editor of International Journal of Systems Science (IJSS) (2010), Taylor & Francis, Print ISSN: 0020-7721, Online ISSN: 1464-5319, Vol. 41, No. 3, 259-351(SCI) (2010特刊出版)
  19. 擔任國際期刊特刊主編(2010):Guest Editor of Journal of Knowledge Management Practice (JKMP), The Leadership Alliance Inc PublishersVol. 11, Special Issue 1, January 2010(2010特刊出版)
  20. 擔任國際EI期刊特刊主編(2009):Guest Editor of International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM) (2009), Inderscience Publishers, ISSN (Online): 1741-5179, ISSN (Paper): 1461-4111 Vol. 8, No. 2, 127-214. (EI) (2009特刊出版)
  21. 擔任國際EI期刊特刊主編(2007)Guest Editor of the Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM) (2007), Emerald publishers, ISSN: 1741-038X, Vol. 18, Issue 7, 787-903. (EI) (2007特刊出版)
  22. 擔任國際EI期刊特刊主編(2007)Guest Editor of International Journal of Information technology and Management, Inderscience PublishersVol. 6, No. 1, 1-116. ISSN:1461-4111 (Print) ISSN:1741-5179 (Online) (EI) (2007特刊出版)
  23. 擔任國際EI期刊特刊主編(2006): Guest Editor of International Journal of Information technology and Management, Inderscience PublishersVol. 5, No. 2/3, 93-212. ISSN:1461-4111 (Print) ISSN:1741-5179 (Online) (EI) (2006特刊出版)
  24. 擔任國際期刊特刊主編(2006): Guest Editor of International Journal of Management & Decision Making, Inderscience PublishersVol. 7, No. 4, 353-454. ISSN:1462-4111 (Print) SSN:1741-5187 (Online) (2006特刊出版)
  25. 擔任The International Advisory Committee of International Conference on Facets of Business Excellence (FOBE 2011) to be held by Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India, November 4-7, 2011. http://www.imt.edu/fobe2011/scientificcom.html
  26. 擔任The International Advisory Committee of The 6th International Congress on Logistics and SCM System (ICLS2011) to be held by National Kaohsiung Univ. of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, on March 7-9, 2011 in Kaohsiung.
  27. 擔任The International Program Committee of 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems (SCMIS 2010) to be held by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 6th - 8th October, 2010, Hong Kong, China.  
  28. 擔任The International Advisory Committee of International Conference on Business and IT (ICBIRD 2010) to be held by Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India, February 25-26, 2010.
  29. 擔任The International Advisory Committee of The 5th International Congress on Logistics and SCM System (ICLS2009) to be held by The Korean Society of Supply Chain Management(KSCM), on June 3-5, 2009 in Seoul.
  30. 擔任Co-Chair of 6th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2008 to be held by Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India. 
  31. 擔任The International Advisory Committee of International Conference on Innovation in Redefining Business horizons (IIRB 2008) to be held by Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India, December 18-19, 2008 IIRB Website:
  32. 擔任The International Scientific Committee of SAGSET 2008 – 38th Annual Conference “Teaching and Learning through Gaming and Simulation” to be held University of Nottingham, England.
  33. 擔任The International Program Committee of 5th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2007 to be held by Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
  34. 擔任Chairman of 4th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2006 held by National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  35. 擔任Co-Chair of 3rd International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2005 to be held by The CITY Liberal Studies – Affiliated Institution of the University of Sheffield in Thessaloniki, Greece.
  36. 擔任Co-Chair of 2nd International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2004, to be held by Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong July 7-9, 2004.
  37.  International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) Senior Member (2008-now)
  38. UK Performance Measurement Association Member (2001-now)
  39. Reviewer/referee for many international/national journals and External thesis examiners for international/national Universities.


(A) 最佳國際研討會論文研究獎

Best Conference Paper Award by MCB University Press (EMERALD Publisher)
Emerald Highly Commended Paper Award
獲獎論文名稱:Performance Measurement for Taiwan’s Commercial Banks
                            (ISBN: 972-8692-08-0) 

(B) 國際期刊論文 Published in International Referred Journal (Selected)

  1. Kim, T. B. and Chien-Ta Ho (2021), Validating the moderating role of age in multi-perspective acceptance model of wearable healthcare technology. Telematics and Informatics, 61, 101603. (SSCI, IF=4.139)
  2. Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and Nathatenee Gebsombut (2019), Communication Factors Affecting Tourist Adoption of Social Network Sites, Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 15, pp. 4198. (SSCI)
  3. Chien-Ta Ho,Wei Chung-Lun  (2019). Exploring Signaling Roles of Service Providers’ Reputation and Competence in Influencing Perceptions of Service Quality and Outsourcing Intentions. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 31(1), 86-109. (SSCI).
  4. Chien-Ta Bruce Ho,Jhong-Min, Yang (2018). Exploring the Influence of Mobile Technology Usage in the Back-end Process of Mobile Commerce: A Perspective of Combining Uses and Gratifications with Information Attractiveness. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16(6), 669-696. (SSCI)
  5. Chien Ta Bruce Ho,Yu Hung Dennis Chou; Ting Yu Delia Li (2018). Factors influencing the adoption of mobile commerce in Taiwan, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16(2), 117-134. (SSCI)
  6. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce, Denis Jhong-Min Yang (2017). Factors Affecting User’s Mobile Technology Usage Intentions: An Example of QR Code Scanning for Mobile Commerce. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 15(2),185-209. (SSCI)
  7. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce, Jhong-Min, Yang, Wei-Ting Chen (2017). Factors Affecting Re-usage Intentions of Virtual Communities Supporting Cosmetic Products. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information Knowledge and Management, Vol. 12, 017-036. 
  8. Chien-Ta Ho, Chung-Lun Wei (2016). Effects of outsourced service providers’ experiences on perceived service quality: A signaling theory framework. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(8), 1656-1677. (SCI)
  9. Chien-Ta Bruce Ho, Yu-Hung Dennis Chou, and Hsuan-Yi Viola Fang (2016, Feb). Technology Adoption of Podcast in Language Learning: Using Taiwan and China as Examples. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e- Management and e-Learning, 6(1), 1-12. 
  10. Chien-Ta Bruce Ho, Jong-Min Yang, Chi-Sheng Hung (2015). The Factors of Information System Success: An Example of Customer Relationship Management Implementation in Food & Beverage Industry. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 5(3), 114-128. 
  11. Chien-Ta Ho, Chung-Lun Wei and Kai-Ting Lin (2015). An empirical investigation on customer dissatisfaction toward using mobile applications. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 8(4), 123-134. 
  12. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce, D. S. Zhu, Z. C. Lee, C. H. HONG and Y. J. Lin (2014), Will You Share? A Study of Motives and Consequences of Supply Chain Partners'Information Integration, Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.286-300. 
  13. Chung-Lun Wei, Yu-Chi Su and Chien-Ta Ho (2013), A Study of the Determinants of Customer Loyalty in E-telecommunication Industry, Pensee, Vol. 75, No. 10, 264-278 (SSCI)
  14. D.S. Zhu, C. T. LIN and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho (2011) Life-Style Orientation and Contents of Websites, Management & Marketing Challenges for the Knowledge Society, Vol. 6, No. 4, 627-636.
  15. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce, Chun-Kuei Liao and Kim Hua Tan (2011), Valuing Internet Companies: A DEA Based Multiple Valuation Approach, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Palgrave Macmillan Publisher, Vol. 62, No. 12, 2097-2016 (SSCI) 
  16. Oh, KB, P.L. Nga and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho (2011), Intellectual Capital Management in Transition Economies, International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management, Vol. 11, No. 1,pp.88-105.
  17. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce (2011), Measuring Dot-Com Efficiency Using a Combined DEA and GRA Approach, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Palgrave Macmillan Publisher, Vol. 62, No. 4, 776-783 (SSCI) 
  18. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce, Tim Chou and Peter O’neill (2010), Technology Adoption of Mobile Learning: A Study of Podcasting, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No. 4, 468-485. Inderscience Publishers, (SSCI) 
  19. Chung-Hung Tsai, Dauw-Song Zhu, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho* and Desheng Dash Wu (2010), The Effect of Reducing Risk and Improving Personal Motivation on the Adoption of Knowledge Repository System, Elsevier Publisher, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 77, No. 6, 840-856.(SSCI) *通訊作者 
  20. Wang Rong-Tsu, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho*, KB Oh (2010), Measuring Production and Marketing Efficiency Using Grey Relation Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis, International Journal of Production Research, Taylor & Francis Publisher, Vol. 48, No.1, 183-199. (SCI) *通訊作者 
  21. Ho, Chien-Ta and KB Oh (2010), Selecting Internet company stocks using a combined DEA and AHP approach, International Journal of Systems Science Taylor & Francis Publisher, Vol. 41, No.3, 325-336. (SCI)  
  22. Ho, Chien-Ta and Wen-Chuan Lin (2010), Measuring the Service Quality of Internet Banking: Scale Development and Validation, European Business review, Emerald Publisher, Vol 22, No. 1, 5-24. 
  23. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce, Shih-Feng Hsu and KB Oh (2009), Knowledge Sharing: Game and Reasoned Action Perspectives, Emerald Publisher, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 109, No. 9, 1211-1230. (SCI)
  24. Ho, Chien-Ta and KB Oh (2009), Empirical Study on USE of E-Security Seals in E-Commerce, Online Information Review, Emerald Publisher, Vol. 33, No. 4, 655-671. (SSCI) 
  25. Ho, Chien-Ta and D. Wu (2009), Online banking performance evaluation using data envelopment analysis and principal component analysis, Computers & operations research, Vol. 36, No. 6, 1835-1842. (SCI)
  26. Ho, Chien-Ta and KB Oh (2009), Measuring online Stockbroking performance, Emerald Publisher, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 109, No. 9, 1211-1230. (SCI)
  27. Ho, Chien-Ta, D. Wu, C. Chou, and D. Olson (2009), A Risk Scoring Model and Application to Measuring Internet Stock Performance, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 8, No. 1, 133-149. (SCI) 
  28. K.B. Oh, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and Desheng Dash Wu (2009), Natural disaster and financial risk management, Internal Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 6, No. 2, 215-226. 
  29. Andreas Liu, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho* and Kim Hua Tan (2009), The application of management simulation and game teaching in Taiwan and Australia, Emerald Publisher, On the Horizon, Vol. 17, No. 4, 394-407. *通訊作者 
  30. Zhu, D., Chien-Ta Bruce Ho*, C. Lu and S. Xu (2009), The Effect of Online Game Design on Players’ Satisfactions, International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, Indersience Publishers, Vol. 3, No. 1, 23-42. *通訊作者 
  31. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce and D. Wu (2008), Measuring Bank Performance Using DEA and Monte Carlo Simulation, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Inderscience Publisher, Vol. 5, No.6, 634-655. 
  32. Wu, Dash and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho* (2007), Productivity and Efficiency Analysis of Taiwan’s Integrated Circuit, International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management, Emerald Publisher, Vol. 56, No. 8, 715-730. (ISSN 1741-0401). *通訊作者 
  33. Wang, Jui-Lin, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho, C-S Lin and S H Chou (2007), A Strategic Selection of Channel Satisfaction Model By Using Neuro-Fuzzy – Taiwan Perspective, Benchmarking - An International Journal, Emerald Publisher, Vol. 14, No. 3, 407-421. 
  34. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce (2007), Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Financial Statement Analysis, International Journal of Operational Research, Indersience Publishers, Vol. 2, No. 1, 26-38. 
  35. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce (2006), Measuring bank operations performance: an approach based on Grey Relation Analysis, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Palgrave Macmillan Publisher, Vol. 57, 227-349. (SSCI) 
  36. Shuchih Ernest Chang and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho (2006), Organizational Factors to the Effectiveness of Implementing Information Security Management, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Emerald Publisher, Vol. 106, No. 3, 345-351 (SCI) 
  37. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce and Yun-Shan Wu (2006), Benchmarking Performance Indicators for Banks, Benchmarking - An International Journal, Emerald Publisher, Vol. 13, No. 1/2, 147-159. 
  38. Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and Li-Hsia Lin (2005), A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Taiwan’s Newly Reorganized Banks, Sun Yat-sen Management Review, Vol. 13, No. 5, 125-157. (TSSCI) 
  39. Wang, Yu Chung, Michael Heng and Chien-Ta Ho (2005), B2B Integration as the Outcome of Business Network Determinants in a Relational Model, Production Planning and Control, Taylor & Francis Publisher, Vol. 16, No. 6, 575-585. (SCI) 
  40. Wang Rong-Tsu, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho*, C. M. Feng and Y. K. Yang (2004), A Comparative Analysis of the Operational Performance of Taiwan’s Major Airports, Journal of Air Transport Management, Elsevier Publisher, Vol. 10, No. 5, 353-360. (SSCI) *通訊作者 
  41. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce (2004), Performance Evaluation of Australia’s Major Banks, Asian Review of Accounting, Emerald Publisher, Vol. 12, No. 1, 19-33. (Indexed in Uncover). 
  42. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce and Dauw-Song Zhu (2004), Performance Measurement of Taiwan’s Commercial Banks, International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management, Emerald Publisher, Vol. 53, No. 5, 425-434. 
  43. Hsu, Yung-Hsin, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and Dauw-Song Zhu (2004), A Study on the relationship between Profitability and Stock Performance of the Top 20 Corporations in Japan, The Journal of Tokyo International University, Tokyo International University Publisher, No. 70, 139-150. 
  44. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce and Kim Hua Tan (2004), Measuring Operational Efficiency: An Approach Based on the Data Envelopment Analysis, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Inderscience Publisher, Vol. 1, No. 2, 120-135. 
  45. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce and Yu Chung Wang (2004), Performance Evaluation for Trust Firms Reorganizing into Commercial Banks in Taiwan, Euro Asia Journal of Management, Vol. 14, No. 2. 113-134. 
  46. Ho, Chien-Ta, S. Koh and Z. Tzeng (2009), A survey of RFID applications (1989-2006), International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier Publisher, Forthcoming (Accepted), (SCI) (2007 ISI Impact Factor 0.995) 
  47. Sanjoy Bose and Chien-Ta Ho (2003), Option Pricing Models: Implications for Valuation of New Technologies and Financial Market Behavior, NMIMS Management Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1-11. Deemed University Publisher (ISSN: 0971-1023) 
  48. Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chien-Ta Ho, Tang, Tzy-Wen, and Shu-Fang Chen (2003), The Key Factors leading to Success in the Internet Business - A Study of Online Bookshops in Taiwan, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Publisher, Vol. 6, No. 4, 24-39. 
  49. Ho, Chien-Ta, Dauw-Song Zhu and Li-Hsia Lin (2003), Measuring Efficiency of Taiwan’s Medical Regions, Hospital Journal, Vol. 36, No. 4, 1-11. (ISSN: 1024 – 106X) 
  50. Ho, Chien-Ta and Dauw-Song Zhu (2003), An Empirical Study on Measuring Performance Evaluation of the Electronic Industry in Taiwan, Industries and Finance Quarterly, Vol. 118, 102-115. (ISSN: 1023 2745) 
  51. Ho, Chien-Ta (2003)A Study on the Operation Efficiency and Stock Marketability of the Listed Electronics Industry in Taiwan, Industry Forum, The Industrial Technology Research Institute Publisher, Vol. 5, No. 3, 31-55(ISSN 1607-7474) 
  52. Ho, Chien-Ta (2003)A Study on the Operation Efficiency of Trust Firms Before and After Reorganizing into Banks; Journal of Chang Jung Christian University, Vol. 5, No.2, 1-23(ISSN 1029-3086) 
  53. Hsu, Hung-Jen and Chien-Ta Ho (2003), Evaluating the Efficiency of Junior Colleges after Reorganizing into Colleges in Taiwan, Journal of Lang Yang College, July, 37-44.


(C) 國際研討會論文 Published in International Referred Conference 


54.  Ho, C.-T. B. and楊忠明(2021), The Integrative Effects of Perception, Satisfaction and Trust on Consumer Loyalty in Online Group Buying, 2021 Management Concept and Application Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

55.  Kim, T. B. and Ho, C.-T. B. (2021), AI-based framework for discovering under-investigated topics in health information system research. 2021 Management Concept and Application Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 

56.   林孟萱、何建達(2021), 遊戲化影響叫車平台的再使用意願之研究-LINE TAXI為例,2021管理與創新學術研討會,私立銘傳大學管理學院舉辦。 

57.  林子揚、何建達(2021), 以消費價值探討消費者選擇OTT影音平台之因素-Netflix 為例,2021管理與創新學術研討會,私立銘傳大學管理學院舉辦。 

58.   黃育萱、何建達(2021), 中小企業投入阿里巴巴跨境電商平台經營策略之研究,2021第二十屆北商大學術論壇暨國際企業經營管理研討會,國立台北商業大學舉辦。

59.   柯馨雅、何建達(2021), 女性遊戲玩家沈浸體驗對遊戲消費(課金)行為之研究-以行動裝置遊戲為例,2021第二十屆北商大學術論壇暨國際企業經營管理研討會,國立台北商業大學舉辦。

60.   李信融、何建達(2021), 以延伸型整合科技接受模式探討Booking.com再使用意願之研究-以知覺風險為中介變數,2021第二十屆北商大學術論壇暨國際企業經營管理研討會,國立台北商業大學舉辦。

61.  高苓育 and Bruce C.T Ho (2019), The Influence of Webpage Aesthetic Design on Users' Purchase Intention: Using Shopee as an Example in Taiwan, International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Japan, Fukuoka, April 1-3, 2019.

62.  盧西卡 and Bruce C.T Ho (2019), The Study of User Behavior for e-Payment Systems: Using Rabbit Line Pay and True Money Wallet in Thailand as an Examples, The 11th National Academic Conference of 2019, Thailand, Bangkok, April 1, 2019.

63.  Yu-Erh Hsiao and Bruce C.T Ho (2017), The impact of online participation and information quality on e-loyalty, Asia-Pacific Conference on Social Sciences and Management, Taiwan, Taipei, March 15-17, 2017. 

64.   Ssu-chieh Lee and Bruce C.T Ho (2017), The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Travel Intention: A Study of Japan Festival Tourism, Asia-Pacific Conference on Social Sciences and Management, Taiwan, Taipei, March 15-17, 2017. 

65.   Pei-Ying Chen and Bruce C.T Ho (2017), The Influences of Celebrity Endorsement for Brand Attitude and Purchasing Intention: A Study of Mobile Phone Brands in Taiwan Asia-Pacific Conference on Social Sciences and Management, Taiwan, Taipei, March 15-17, 2017. 

66.  Tzu-Yun Hsu and Bruce C.T Ho (2017), Understanding Consumer Acceptance of Non cash Payment: An Empirical Analysis, Asia-Pacific Conference on Social Sciences and Management, Taiwan, Taipei, March 15-17, 2017. 

67.   Bruce C. T. Ho, Chung-Lun Wei and Yu-Hung Dennis Chou (2016), The Impact of Perceived Value and Price Discount on Satisfaction and Purchase Intention in Group Buying, International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences (ISEPSS 2016), Japan, Osaka, May 10-12, 2016. (Accepted)

68.   Chung-Lun Wei and Bruce C. T. Ho (2016), Impacts of Interpersonal Relationship Quality on Services Selling in a Business-to-Business Context, Bangkok 16th International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities (BESSH 2016), Thailand, Bangkok, April 4-5, 2016. 

69.   Pei-Ying Yen and Bruce C. T. Ho (2016), A Study of Website Aesthetics Design Relates to Brand Image and Consumer Purchasing Intentions, International Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Japan, Kyoto, March 29-31, 2016.

70.   Jhih-Yang Lin and Bruce C. T. Ho (2016), Exploring the factors that affect Behavior Intention to Use Live Streaming Video Platform, Taiwan Conference on Business and Information, Taiwan, Taipei, March 25, 2016.

71.   Yen-Kai Huang and Bruce C. T. Ho (2016), A Study on Behavior Intention to Cloud Storage Services: The Extended Technology Acceptance Model, Taiwan Conference on Business and Information, Taiwan, Taipei, March 25, 2016.

72.   Jhong-Min Yang and Bruce C.T. Ho (2015), The Behavioral Intention Research from Deductive Reasoning to Inductive Reasoning: An Example of QR Code for Mobile Commerce Service Promotion, Presentation at 3rd International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSAM 2015) to be hosted by the Higher Education Forum in Kyoto Japan, May 07-09, 2015.

73.   Bruce C. T. Ho and Dennis Y. H. Chou (2015), Factors Affect Intention to Use Online Auction Market: Perspective of Technology Acceptance Model, Social Influence and Fraud Control, International Conference on Innovation in Business, Economics, Marketing and E-Technology, New York, 11st -12nd April 2015.

74.   Wen-shin Cheng and Bruce C.T. Ho (2015), Exploring the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Five Senses Horoscopes, The Asian Conference in Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Japan, Osaka, March 26-29, 2015.

75.   Hung-Yu Yen and Bruce C.T. Ho (2015), Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Measurement for Top 10 Internet Companies in the World: Data Envelopment Analysis,  The Asian Conference in Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Japan, Osaka, March 26-29, 2015.

76.   Chao-Hsiang Yang and Bruce C.T. Ho (2015), A study on behavior intention to use live streaming video platform based on TAM model, The Asian Conference in Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Japan, Osaka, March 26-29, 2015.

77.   Ting-Yu Li and Bruce C.T. Ho (2015),Factors Influencing the Technology Adoption of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan by Using the Revised Utaut Model, The Asian Conference in Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Japan, Osaka, March 26-29, 2015.

78.   Bruce C. T. Ho and Dennis Y. H. Chou (2014), The Effects of Trust for Online Auction: Elaboration Likelihood Model, International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, IRC-2014. Singapore, September 25-26, 2014.

79.   Li -Fen Liao and Bruce C.T. Ho (2014), The Study of Decreasing Business Operating Cycles for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Using Value Chain Analysis:T Company As an Example, Presentation at 9th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2014) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 7, 2014.

80.   Hsiu-Feng Lin and Bruce C.T. Ho (2014),The Study of Business Model Reengineering for Taiwanese Trading Companies Using R Company as An Example, Presentation at 9th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2014) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 7, 2014.

81.   Yi-Chen Lo and Bruce C.T. Ho (2014), The Value Chain Matrix Analysis of Business Strategy for Non-Profit Organization:Using HS Social Welfare Foundation As an Example, Presentation at 9th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2014) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 7, 2014.

82.   Yung-Hsien Huang and Bruce C.T. Ho (2014), The Study of Increasing Procurement Performance Through Business Process Reengineering : Using A Company As an Example, Presentation at 9th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2014) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 7, 2014.

83.   Kai-Ting Lin , Chien-Ta Ho (2014), A Structural Model of Dissatisfaction Factors Involved in Mobile Applications, Presentation at The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2014 (ACP 2014) to be hosted by The International Academic Forum in Osaka Japan, March 27-31, 2014. 

84.   Wei-Ting Chen, Chien-Ta Ho (2014), An Application of the UTAUT Model for Exploring Cosmetics Product Purchase Intention of Virtual Community Members, Presentation at The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2014 (ACP 2014) to be hosted by The International Academic Forum in Osaka Japan, March 27-31, 2014. 

85.   Cheng-Hsien Tu, Chien-Ta Ho (2014), Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) to Investigate Consumers’ Purchase Intention: Usana as an Example, Presentation at The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2014 (ACP 2014) to be hosted by The International Academic Forum in Osaka Japan, March 27-31, 2014. 

86.  Yen Wei Yeh, Chien-Ta Ho (2014), Measuring Performance Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Balanced Scorecard for Taiwan Medical Equipment Industry, Presentation at The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2014 (ACP 2014) to be hosted by The International Academic Forum in Osaka Japan, March 27-31, 2014.

87.  Fredy Y.C. Hsu and Bruce C.T. Ho (2013), Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty for Smartphone Brands in Taiwan with DEA, Presentation at 8th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2013) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 1, 2013.

88.  Victor C.S. Hung and Bruce C.T. Ho (2013), The Factors and Barriers Affecting the Implementation of CRM in Taiwan’s Food and Beverage Industry, Presentation at 8th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2013) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 1, 2013.

89.  Tseng Y.S. and Bruce C.T. Ho (2013), Measuring the Performance of the Top 24 Listed Banks in Taiwan using a combined DEA and BSC approach, Presentation at 8th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2013) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 1, 2013.

90.  Megan S.M. Wu and Bruce C.T. Ho (2013), The study of factors influencing repeat purchasing behavior for Bed and Breakfast Industry in Taiwan, Presentation at 8th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2013) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 1, 2013.

91.  Bruce C.T. Ho, Fredy Y.C. Hsu and Megan S.M. Wu (2013), Measuring the performance using a combined DEA and BSC approach- Taiwan’s Bed& Breakfast industry as an example, Presentation at the Fourth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS 2013) to be hosted by the International Academic Forum in Osaka Japan, June 6-9, 2013.

92.  Dennis Y. H. Chou, Viola H. Y. Fang and Bruce C.T. Ho (2013), Technology Adoption of Podcast in Language Learning: Using Taiwan and China as Examples, Presentation at 2nd World Conference on Design, Arts and Education(WCDAE 2013) to be hosted by University of Architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu" Faculty of Architectural in Bucharest, Romania, May 9, 2013.

93.  Yao-Chen Liu and Chien-Ta Ho (2012), An Integrated E-Commerce System Value Creation Method: Taiwan Online Tourism Companies as Examples, Presentation at The 7th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (ICLS 2012) to be hosted by the Korean Society of Supply Chain Management (KSCM) in Seoul, Korea, June 7-9, 2012. 

94.  Yosapol Singhavollakul and Chien Ta Ho (2012), The Estimation of Hotel Management Efficiency in Thailand by using DEA, Presentation at The 7th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (ICLS 2012) to be hosted by the Korean Society of Supply Chain Management (KSCM) in Seoul, Korea, June 7-9, 2012.

95.  Ya-Chuan Tsao and Bruce C.T. Ho (2012), The Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Job Characteristics and Personality, Presentation at 7th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management (GETM 2012) to be hosted by the Green Energy Technology Association and National Changhua University of Education in Changhua Taiwan, June 2, 2012. 

96.  Jakub Selucky, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and Hung-Jen Hsu (2011), Measuring Performance and Risk of Automotive Industry in Czech Republic, Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems 2011, to be held by The Novi Sad University in Serbia, September 14-16, 2011.

97.  Nikhil Malhotra and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho (2010), Factors and Barriers Affecting the Implementation of CRM- Taiwan Banking Industry, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2010, to be held by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China , October 6-8, 2010. (Index in EI) 

98.  Wang Rong-Tsu, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and Che-Chun Yeh (2010), An Analysis of the Production and Marketing Efficiency for major TFT-LCD manufacturers in the World, Presentation at Joint Conference of The 4th International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management and The 15th Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute by The Chinese University of Hong Kong; South China University of Technology and Indiana University, July 25 to July 31, 2010, in HK and Guangzhou, China. (Index in EI, INSPEC) 

99.  Che-Chun Yeh and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho (2010), Measuring the Return of Biotech Industry based on Du Pont Identity, Presentation at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia by La Trobe University, July 15 to July 17, 2010, in Melbourne, Australia. 

100. Zhu, Dauw-Song, Z. C. and Bruce C. T. Ho (2009), A Study on the relationships among information integration capability, logistics capability, partnership closeness, supply chain performance, competitive advantage and financial performance in Taiwan’s high-tech manufacturing firms, Presentation at 2009 Global Business & International Management Conference Organized by IGBM, July 16-18, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA. 

101. Qinan K. Y. Lin and Bruce C. T. Ho (2009), A study of measuring the e-Service quality of online human resource agency, Presentation at 2009 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management (TIIM 2009) Organized by Kasetsart University, June 18-20, 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. 

102. Faye H. J. Chen and Bruce C. T. Ho (2009), A study for the determinants of customer loyalty perspective in e-retailingPresentation at 2009 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management (TIIM 2009) Organized by Kasetsart University, June 18-20, 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. 

103. J. U. Su and Bruce C. T. Ho (2009), An examination of the determinants of loyalty in e-telecommunication industry Presentation at 2009 International Conference on Technoloogy Innovation and Industrial Management (TIIM 2009) Organized by Kasetsart University, June 18-20, 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. 

104. H. Y. Fang and Bruce C. T. Ho (2009), Technology adoption of mobile learning in language: a study of podcasting in TaiwanPresentation at 2009 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management (TIIM 2009) Organized by Kasetsart University, June 18-20, 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. 

105. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce and Kevin Cheng and Bose Sanjoy (2009), Critical factors and barriers in the implementation of customer relationship management, Presentation at The 5th International Congress on Logistics and SCM System (ICLS2009) to be held by The Korean Society of Supply Chain Management(KSCM), on June 3-5, 2009 in Seoul. 

106. Ho, Chien-Ta Bruce and Yu-Ting Tim Chou(2009), The Critical Factors for Applying Podcast in Mobile Language Learning, Presentation at 2009 International Conference on Information management and engineering (ICIME 2009) Organized by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore Institute of Electronics (SIE), April 3-5, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Index in EI, INSPEC, Thomson ISI, IEEE XploreTM, IEEE Computer Society (CSDL) digital libraries) 

107. Ho, Chien-Ta, Yun-Shan Susan Wu and Jason Chou (2008), Empirical Studies On Knowledge Of Trust Marks In Taiwan And Hong Kong, Presentation at the 6th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2008, to be held by Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology in Tiruchirappalli, India, December 8-19, 2008. 

108. Ho, Chien-Ta and KB Oh (2008), Empirical Studies on Knowledge of Trust Marks in E-Commerce, Presentation at the Management International Conference (MIC 2008), to be held in Barcelona, Spain, November 26-29, 2008. 

109. A. Liu, Chien-Ta Ho and K., Tan (2008), The Application of Management Simulation and Gaming Teaching In AU and TW, Presentation at the International Scientific Committee of SAGSET 2008 – 38th Annual Conference “Teaching and Learning through Gaming and Simulation”, to be held by University of Nottingham, England. 

110. KB Oh, L. Xu and Chien-Ta Ho (2008), Current Issues in China’s Financial Market, Presentation at the 20th ACESA Annual Conference, 30 Years of Economic Reforms in China: Retrospect and Outlook, to be held in Townsville, Australia, 10-11 July 2008. 

111. Ho, Chien-Ta and Kun-Chiang Chen (2008), The influence of Online Trust Marks On Online Shopping Behavior, .Fifth IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January 10-12, 2008 (EI) 

112. Ho, Chien-Ta Ho and Pei-Yun Chen (2007), Using an Integrated Analytical Method to Evaluate the Value of E- Commerce System, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2007, to be held by Monash University in Australia, December 9-12, 2007. 

113. Suhaiza Zailani, Chien-Ta Ho, Foo li Leng, & Yudi Fernondo (2007), Empirical study on the impact of information flow, material flow and financial flow towards supply chain performance, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2007, to be held by Monash University in Australia, December 9-12, 2007. 

114. Ho, Chien-Ta, C-W Chu and K. B. Oh (2007), Using DEA and AHP Approaches in Stock Selection: U.S. Internet Companies as an Example, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2007, to be held by Monash University in Australia, December 9-12, 2007. 

115. Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chin-Te Lin and Chien-Ta Ho (2006), The Research upon the Correlation Between Lifestyle and the Emphasis of Website Contents of the Food and Beverage Market in Taiwan, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2006, to be held by Institute of E-Commerce, National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan, July 4-7. 

116. 1Ho, Chien-Ta, Dash Wu and Chun-Yu Chen (2005), Productivity and Efficiency Analysis of Taiwan’s Integrated Circuit, Proceedings of the 19th Australia & New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, to be held by Canberra University in Australia, December 7-10. 

117. Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chin-Te Lin and Chien-Ta Ho (2005), An Empirical Study of Relationship Marketing in Members’ Development Process of Virtual Community, Proceedings of the third International Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2005, to be held by The CITY Liberal Studies – Affiliated Institution of the University of Sheffield in Thessaloniki, Greece. 

118. Wang, Rong-Tsu and Chien-Ta Ho (2004), Performance Evaluation for Major Airports in Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy’s Annual Conference, to be held by University of Canberra in Australia, November 5-6, 2004. 

119. Wang, Yu Chung William, Michael S H Heng and Chien-Ta Ho (2004), B2B Integration as the Outcome of Business Network Determinants in a Relational Model, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2004, to be held by Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, July 7-9, 2004. 

120. Ho, Chien-Ta and Dauw-Song Zhu (2003), Performance Measurement for Taiwan’s Commercial Banks, Proceedings of Business Excellence I: Performance Measures, Benchmarking and Best Practices in New Economy, Edited by Goran D. Putnik and Angappa Gunasekaran, Published by University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, June 9-13, 2003, pp.120-125 (ISBN: 972-8692-08-0) 

121. Ho, Chien-Ta and Yun-Shan Wu (2003), Performance Benchmarking for Banks: An Application of Australia’s Major Banks, Proceedings of Business Excellence I: Performance Measures, Benchmarking and Best Practices in New Economy, Edited by Goran D. Putnik and Angappa Gunasekaran, Published by University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, June 9-13, 2003, pp.185-190 (ISBN: 972-8692-08-0) 

122. Ho, Chien-Ta and Yun-Shan Wu (2003), Efficiency and Effectiveness of Top 59 Taiwan’s Electronic Corporations, Proceedings of the Second International Business and Economy Conference 2003, to be held by Aarhus School of Business (Denmark) and San Francisco State University in USA, January 9-12. 

123. Ho, Chien-Ta (2002), The Study of Performance Evaluation of Major Asian Stock Markets, Proceedings of the 16th Australia & New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, to be held by La Trobe University in Australia, December 4-7. 

124. Ho, Chien-Ta and Rong-Tsu Wang (2002), Performance Evaluation for Australia’s Major Banks, Proceedings of the 16th Australia & New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, to be held by La Trobe University in Australia, December 4-7. 

125. Ho, Chien-Ta (2002), Performance Evaluation of Trust Firms Reorganizing into Commercial Banks in Taiwan: Financial Statement Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis, Proceedings of the Third Asia Academy of Management Conference, to be held by the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand December 12-14, 2002. 

126. Ho, Chien-Ta (2002), Performance Evaluation for 59 Listed Electronic Corporations in Taiwan, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB), to be held by National Chiao Tung University in Taipei, Taiwan, December 10-13, 2002. 

127. Ho, Chien-Ta (2002), Applying Financial Statement Analysis and Grey Relation Analysis in Performance Evaluation, Proceedings of Asia Pacific Economics and Business Conference, to be held by University Putra Malaysia (UPM), University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and Malaysian Agricultural and Economics Association (PETA) in Malaysia, Oct 2-4, 2002. 

128. Ho, Chien-Ta (2002), Profitability and Stock Performance of the Top 20 Corporations in Asia, The Seventh Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference Book (ISSN: 1539-1191), to be held by National Institute of Development Administration in Thailand, July 24-27, 2002. 

129. Ho, Chien-Ta (2001), A Study on the Application of Decision Analysis on Performance Measurement for Small and Medium Business, Proceedings of the 46th International Council for Small Business World Conference, to be held by National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and ICSB-ROC Affiliate in Taiwan, June 17-20, 2001, A-3, 1-21.


(D) 國內研討會論文 Published in Taiwan Referred Conference

130.  龔偉豪 and Bruce C.T.Ho(2019)The Influence of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth on Fashion Apparel Purchase Intention: UNIQLO as an Example2019國際商務研討會,淡江大學國際企業學系辦。

131.  劉鎧維 and Bruce C.T.Ho(2019)The Influence of YouTube Video on Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention: Using Smartphone Users In Taiwan as an Examples2019國際商務研討會,淡江大學國際企業學系辦。

132.  梁嘉俊 and Bruce C.T.Ho(2018)Why Are Customer Willing To Loyal in Sharing Economy Services (Uber in Taiwan) ? A Relational Benefits Perspective,第29屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,中華民國資訊管理學會辦。

133.  蔡昇峰 and Bruce C.T.Ho(2018) 網頁美感設計與使用者滿意度之影響:以台灣人力銀行網站為例, 2018第十九屆管理學域國際學術研討會,朝陽科技大學管理學院辦。

134.  林述良 and Bruce C.T.Ho(2018) The Study of Consumers Acceptance of Mobile Payment: Using Taiwanese Consumers as an Example, 2018企業經營與行銷學術研討會大漢技術學院企業管理學系主辦。

135.  Khas-Erdene Munkhbat and Bruce C.T.Ho(2017) Innovation and economic growth: An empirical analysis on East Asian countries and comparison with European economies, The 28th International Conference on Information Management, Taiwan, Taipei, May 23, 2017.

136.  顏崇恩、何建達(2015),以價值鍊矩陣法分析小型氫水設備業之行銷策略-以台灣船井技研股份有限公司為例,第十屆國際綠色能源科技暨管理研討會,國立彰化師大舉辦。

137.  藍宏仁、何建達(2015),以價值鏈矩陣法分析微熱山丘之國際品牌策略,第十屆國際綠色能源科技暨管理研討會,國立彰化師大舉辦。 

138.  黃三福、何建達(2015),以價值鏈矩陣分析法分析保險業之行銷策略-N保險公司為例,第十屆國際綠色能源科技暨管理研討會,國立彰化師大舉辦。

139.  許夢熊、何建達(2015),企業改造對如何取得政府標案之研究-以首立科技為例,第十屆國際綠色能源科技暨管理研討會,國立彰化師大舉辦。

140.  李宗儒、何建達、吳志文(2006),主題樂園之價值鏈分析-以月眉國際育樂世界為例,第一屆社管學院產學合作研討會,國立中興大學主辦。 

141.  張景惠、王俊程、何建達(2006),運用合作網絡架構分析探討資訊管理研究社群的發展,中華民國科技管理學會年會暨學術論文研討會,清華大學主辦。 

142.  王瑞麟、黃連堂、何建達(2003)A Study of the Relationship of Channel Satisfaction and Organizational Performance in Taiwan’s Supermarkets2003年產業管理創新研討會,修平技術學院主辦,1-21 

143.  何建達(2002),亞洲地區股票市場之績效評估,2002 新世紀、新知識、新思維--第二屆跨領域管理學術暨實務研討會,東海大學主辦,11-21 

144.  何建達(2002)Performance evaluation for banks including the consideration of stock performance,如何迎接e時代之挑戰-趨勢與創新學術研討會,康寧專科學校主辦,商業管理組。 

145.  何建達(2001),系統決策方法應用於績效評估之研究,中華決策科學學會2001年年會暨論文研討會論文集,台北:國立台灣科技大學、中華決策科學學會主辦,107-125 

146.  何建達(2001),信託業改制銀行前後之經營效率研究,第三屆(2001)永續發展管理研討會論文集,屏東:國立屏東科技大學主辦,813-833(接受率:50.6%) 

147.  何建達、王榮祖(2000),信託投資公司改制銀行後經營績效評估之研究,第二屆(2000)永續發展管理研討會論文集,屏東:國立屏東科技大學主辦,560-568(接受率:39%) 


(E) 專書及專書論文、技術報告及其他 Other Publications and Books

Edited International Conference Proceedings 

148. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems (SCMIS 2006) Volume I, Edited by Chien-Ta Bruce Ho, Institute of E-Commerce, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. 1-491 (ISBN: 986-00-5363-4)

149.Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems (SCMIS 2006) Volume II, Edited by Chien-Ta Bruce Ho, Institute of E-Commerce, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. 492-1052 (ISBN: 986-00-5491-6)


Edited International Journal Special Issues

150. Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and Dauw-Song Zhu (2006), Special Issue: Performance Measurement: different Approaches in Decision-Making, International Journal of Management & Decision Making, Vol. 7, No. 4, 353-454. ISSN:1462-4111 (Print) ISSN:1741-5187 (Online) 

151.S.C. Lenny Koh and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho (2006), Special Issue: Interactions between people and Information Technology in the Digital age, International Journal of Information technology and Management, Vol. 5, No. 2/3, 93-212. ISSN:1461-4111 (Print) ISSN:1741-5179 (Online) (EI) 

152. S.C. Lenny Koh and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho (2007), Special Issue: Interactions between people and Information Technology in the Digital age, International Journal of Information technology and Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1-116. ISSN:1461-4111 (Print) ISSN:1741-5179 (Online) (EI) 

153.  Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and S.C. Lenny Koh (2007), Special Issue: Techniques for performance improvement in organisations, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 18, Issue 7, 787-903. ISSN:1461-4111 (Print) ISSN:1741-5179 (Online) (EI) 

154.  Chien-Ta Bruce Ho and Tzong-Ru Lee (2009), Special Issue: Major Development for Supply Chain Management (SCM), Information Systems (IS) and Logistics, , International Journal of Information technology and Management, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 127-214. ISSN:1461-4111 (Print) ISSN:1741-5179 (Online) (EI) 

155.  S.C. Lenny Koh, Chien-Ta Bruce Hoand Amrik Sohal (2010)Special Issue: Operations Research and Management Science, International Journal of Systems Science (IJSS), Taylor & Francis, Print ISSN: 0020-7721, Online ISSN: 1464-5319, Vol. 41, No. 3, 259-351

156.  Chien-Ta Bruce Hoand Jayanthi Ranjan (2010), Special Issue in The Knowledge Garden, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice (JKMP), The Leadership Alliance Inc Publishers, Vol. 11, Special Issue 1, January 2010. 


Edited English Books 

157. KB Oh ,Chien-Ta Bruce Ho ,Lilai Xu ,Pham Le Thu Nga, Yejing Huang and Jianmei Wang (2018) ,Risk Management , Nova Publishers, USA: New York. 

158. KB Oh and Chien-Ta Bruce Ho (2010), Innovation and Technology Finance, Nova Publishers, USA: New York. ISBN: 978-1-61728-724-4 

159. Chien-Ta Bruce Ho, KB Oh, Richard J. Pech, Geoffrey Durden and Bert Slade (2009), Crisis Decision Making, Nova Publishers, USA: New York. ISBN-10: 1608760731 ISBN-13: 978-1608760732. 


Edited Chinese Books 

160.  何建達、胡國聞 (2013),國際財報很好懂︰從財務基礎到新舊制IFRS,台北:創見文化出版。(ISBN9789862713402)

161.  何建達、胡國聞、褚宇、王寶玲 (2008)財務管理,懂這些就夠了,台北:創見文化出版。(ISBN978-986-82926-8-0) 

162.  李宗儒、謝明慧、何建達S. C. L. Koh、余啟民、李展謀(2007)網路行銷與電子商務(教科書,台北:倉海書局。(ISBN978-986-6999-37-0) 

163.  王寶玲、方守基、王人傑、何建達、柯明朗、邱茂仲 (2007)紫牛學工作控管 (EMBA叢書),台北:創見文化出版。(ISBN986-829-261-1) 

164.  S. Maguir, S. C. L. Koh, 何建達、王寶玲 (2007)紫牛學通訊科技管理 (EMBA叢書),台北:創見文化出版。(ISBN: 986-823-577-4)  

165.  王寶玲、何建達、方守基、王人傑、柯明朗、邱茂仲(2005)紫牛學行銷 (EMBA叢書),台北:創見文化出版。(ISBN: 986-127-299-2) 

166.  王寶玲、何建達、方守基、王人傑、柯明朗、邱茂仲(2004)紫牛學管理 (EMBA叢書),台北:創見文化出版。(ISBN: 986-127-181-3)

167.  王寶玲、陳可卉、何建達、方守基、王人傑、柯明朗、邱茂仲(2004)紫牛學危機管理 (EMBA叢書),台北:創見文化出版。(ISBN: 986-127-227-5) 

Awards and Honors

  • 2009: 被列入世界名人錄 (Who's Who in the World, 2009 Edition)
  • 2008: 獲選中興大學社管院研究獎勵
  • 2007: 獲選中興大學《興大之光》:96年度學術研究獎
  • 2007: 被列入世界科學與工程名人錄 (Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 10th Anniversary Edition)
  • 2006: 獲國立中興大學95學年度社管()服務績優教師!
  • 2006: Dr Chien-Ta Bruce Ho who advised the team organized by the institute of E-Commerce, National Chung Hsing University. Among 60 competitive teams, this team won the Sole Winner Award of the 2006 SME e-commerce Model Contest sponsored by Small & medium Enterprise Administration & Information Service Industry Association, Taiwan, ROC. Also the team receives NT$ 100,000 cash reward and a cup.
  • 2003: Emerald – Highly Commended Paper Award (Business Excellence International Conference, Portugal 10-13 June, Choose from 127 papers) Paper TitlePerformance Measurement for Taiwan’s Commercial Banks
  • 1992: Citation for exceptional dedication and devotion while serving the army with extraordinary performance and achievements, Awarded by The General Headquarters of The Army, Taiwan, ROC.
  • 1992: Citation for Remarkable performance and achievements during the service in the army, awarded by The Ministry of National Defense, Taiwan, ROC.

Professional Certificate

  • 1999: Financial Management Consulting Certificate for Small and Medium Enterprise,
    Awarded by The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan (1998-1999)
  • 2001: Certificate of Competence, Office 2000 Professional Skill Recognition,
    Awarded by The Chinese Computer Education Association, Taiwan